Antarctic Values Survey [Chile]

A preliminary study of perceptions and values associated with the Antarctic in Chile and Australia funded by a University of Western Sydney Research Grant (2011). The study included surveys in Santiago and Punta Arenas (telephone) providing a preliminary map of citizens' perceptions and values of Antarctica, including the role of science and policy and the perception of Antarctica's futures.

Nightfall at Gaia - documentary film

A documentary film set in the year 2035 at Gaia International Antarctic Station which explores the last days of Xue - an astrophysicist isolated and in-communicated after a catastrophic event. The film reflects on the history of  the Antarctic and ponders about the future challenges of a fragile and rapidly changing continent through a speculative documentary-fiction narrative. In early development in 2013 - pre-production planned for late 2013.

Antarctic Cultural Futures Project

An interdisciplinary humanities & social sciences research project on Antarctic futures involving anticipatory anthropology, future geographies, science fiction studies, speculative ethnography and environmental geopolitics.

Juan Francisco Salazar


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Other information

For further information please get in touch with Juan Francisco Salazar, University of Western Sydney - Australia.